# Module manifest for the blastp against swissprot analysis # The name of the module. Is needed for the list-analyses option, for custom # configurations and custom profiles name: 'hmmer_pfam_a' # Short description of the analysis info: 'hmmscan analysis against PFAM-A' # The name of the script for the analysis step. Must take a --fasta parameter analysis: script: 'run_hmmer.py' parameters: database: '/pfam/Pfam-A.hmm' evalue: 1e-10 execution: cluster: chunksize: 200 container: docker: 'biocontainers/hmmer:v3.1b2dfsg-5-deb_cv1' singularity: 'biocontainers/hmmer:v3.1b2dfsg-5-deb_cv1' # The name of the result to json converter script. Must take one parameter, the # result file from the analysis_script converter: script: 'convert_hmmer.py' parameters: dbxref: 'PFAM'