Sep 17, 2018–Oct 31, 2018
Version 1.0
The GenomeVuer can:
Display a genome as an axis: -
Axis has ticks depending on the size of the genome -
Axis is in the vertically centered in the view -
Axis numbers are even numbers (e.g. 123,000 instead of 123,456) -
Axis tick numbers have separators (digit grouping)
Display lanes: -
Lanes are dotted lines above and below the axis -
Lanes are in Version 1.0 only for displaying the strand of features -
Default color: gray. Customizable.
Display features: -
Features are on the lanes -
Features are directed (left or right arrows) -
Features are colored (filled, bordered) based on - Color properties are given by the user
- Feature types are given by the user (feature_to_color map can be customized)
- Default Colors (can be customized)
Hovering over features let a tooltip appear -
Tooltip information is customizable -
Features are clickable. The GenomeVuer knows, which feature was clicked